Kamis, 29 November 2012

semantics: relational opposites


A quite different kind of 'opposite' is the pairs of words which exhibit the reversal of a relationship between items (or ARGUMENT), e.g. buy/sell, husband/wife. If John sells to Fred, Fred buys from John; if Bill is Mary’s husband, Mary is Bill’s wife. This includes verbs (buy/sell, lend/borrow, rent/let, own/belong to, give/receive), nouns (husband/wife, fiancĂ©/fiancĂ©e, parent/child, debtor/creditor), terms of spatial position (above/below, in front of/behind, north of/south of), active and passive in grammar (if Tom hits Harry, Harry is hit by Tom).
Terms involved in relational opposition may be transitive, but they cannot be symmetric. Relational opposites involve two relations (if the picture is above the table and the table above the carpet, the picture is above the carpet; also below). Symmetric relations hold between the arguments in both directions, so that only one term, not two, is required (married to, beside, meet).
Kinship terms are especially interesting in a discussion of relational opposites for two reasons:
  1. Many of them indicate not only the relationship, but a different sex (father/mother, son/daughter, uncle/aunt). John is Sam's father does not entail that Sam is John's son. Sam could be his daughter. There are also pairs of words that would be symmetric were it not for their indication n of sex (brother/sister). John is Sam’s brother does not entail Sam is John’s brother (she might be his sister). Only a small number of terms in English do not indicate sex (cousin "symmetric", parent/child "relational opposites).
  2. Whether a term is symmetric or not is a matter of the language. (Be married to is symmetric in English because it does not indicate sex, but in many languages where the active form of the verb is used for husband and the passive for the wife "marries/is married"). Similarly, many languages have no symmetric term "cousin"; the sex has to be indicated in these languages, or the precise relationship of the parents.
Spatial and Temporal relations: are not related as relational opposites, but differ in spatial direction and hold temporal relationships. "Ask and offer" may expect "reply and accept", but the 'expectation' may not be realized. But reply and accept 'presuppose' that there has been an act of asking or giving.
The 'true' gradable antonyms can be handled in terms of relational opposites) wide can be seen as wider than the norm; if a is wider than b, b is narrower than a). The comparative forms (the explicitly gradable ones) "wider and narrower" are relational opposites. They are, moreover, transitive  (if a is wider than b and b is wider than c, a is wider than c), but not symmetric or reflexive. However, as wide as, as narrow as, etc.; are symmetric, transitive and reflexive. (source: educationcing.blogspot.com)

Relational Antonyms are kind of like complementary antonyms because they are “either/or” words.  The difference is that a relationship must be present between the two words.  One exists only because the other does.
(If someone wins, someone must lose; if there is a fraction, there must be a whole.)
above                    below
all                          nothing
asleep                   awake
beginning               end
behind                   ahead
buy                       sell
east                       west
floor                      ceiling
front                      back
give                       get
hello                      goodbye
high                       low
hunter                   prey
husband                wife
lead                      follow
               leave                      arrive
               left                         right
               lend                       borrow
               lock                       unlock
               lost                         found
               north                      south
               offense                  defense
               open                      close
               output                    input
               parent                    child
               slave                      master
               to                           from
               top                         bottom
               trap                        release
               up                          down

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